SourceTesti1"First and foremost this strategic planning process and getting, all five important areas of the business, sales, marketing, operations, finance and talent, on the page, has made me look at all five of those areas, individually, and for each of them made me have a 12 months strategy, a quarterly strategy, and a monthly strategy to implement. I have used this methodology to grow my business and increase profits by 400%!" Hugh Viney, Minerva Tutors Testi2"Having worked with Next Level Business, my business is making bigger profits than ever before, and I have a clear strategy for getting to my next business milestones." Ben Richard, Aura Homes Testi3"Worth every minute. The programme shone a light on key business areas. It was especially appreciated because of the support network it provided." Catherine Gray Joint MD Roast & Ground Testi4"Do it! I have met some truly inspiring, brilliant entrepreneurs who have given me loads of great advice." Amanda Edgecombe Director & Founder, Powwow Events Hidden 2Hidden 3Email HeaderThank you for taking the time to complete the quiz.Your individual report is compiled in the PDF attached.Email FooterMany thanks,Next Level Businessnextlevelbusiness.clubClear and Robust PlanningAvailable values for Topic 1Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. Do you have a clear and robust roadmap for growth?*I have an idea of what I’d like to achieve but no clear written planI’ve set goals and made plans in the areas of the business I am confident but there are areas I struggle to set and execute plansI’ve set goals and made plans in all functions of the business but I struggle to keep on track and am not driving this through to my team for executionI have a clear, goal orientated, time based strategy which I use to provide direction to my leadership team, orchestrate activity and hold people to account, which serves to drive activity on a monthly and weekly basis throughout the businessThis field is required.Predictable PipelineAvailable values for Topic 2Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. How effective is your business at consistently generating abundant, quality leads?*Not very. We generate leads but we don’t have reliable sources or methods to be able to scale if we want.Fairly. We know where to source leads consistently but quality is unpredictable.Good. We know how to source and attract quality, ideal clients but it’s not systemetised yet.Very. I have a capable, self led marketing team that use replicable, reliable, scalable lead generation methods that bring us prequalified, high quality leads and they know how to increase these leads at will to meet the growth needs of the business.This field is required.Maximising SalesAvailable values for Topic 3Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. Do you have a sales strategy and process that maximises conversions and customer value?*Sort of. Conversion rate is OK but I wouldn’t say we have a strategy or defined processYes, we have a strategy and process to do this but execution is inconsistentWe have a strategy and consistent process to maximise initial conversions, but probably not the life time value of each customerYes, we have a clear strategy and consistent replicable sales process that maximises the lifetime value of each client or customer.This field is required.High Performing TeamAvailable values for Topic 4Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. How do you leverage your team?*I try to delegate but often fall back to doing things myself as it seems quickerI have a team who I trust and delegate to, but I still have to be on top of them to make sure stuff gets done right and on timeI have skilled managers and team who can run the business effectively - but I am called upon regularly for decision making and adviceI have leaders in all the core functions areas who are fully motivated and engaged in the mission of the business, they take responsibility for high quality delivery and driving growth, leaving me to focus on what I wantThis field is required.Financial Leadership / ControlAvailable values for Topic 5Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. How deep is your understanding of your finances?*I monitor my finances at a basic level but don’t know how to use the knowledge it gives me to make decisions and forecastI have systems in place to monitor my finances and I understand the knowledge it gives me but don’t feel fully in controlI am fully on top of them. I monitor my P&L & ROIs and forecast effectively, making confident financial decisions to drive growthMy financial team know our financial objectives and have clear parameters of financial authority, they monitor our finances constantly and report to me regularly to keep me up to date and for any key decisionsThis field is required.Time MaximisationAvailable values for Topic 6Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. Do you spend enough time on your strategic business development priorities?*Not really, i know what I should be doing, but I’m too busy with the day to dayI put some time aside but it’s ad-hoc and inconsistentI manage to set time aside consistently, despite busyness, to focus on strategic business development prioritiesMy team works efficiently and the business runs effectively without me so I am able to devote as much time as I want to strategic business development priorities.This field is required.Platform for GrowthAvailable values for Topic 7Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. Does your business use systems, processes and technologies that support growth?*Some, but they don’t cover all areas and they’re not joined upYes, but they need updating to enable and support further growthYes, they’re joined up and consistent and efficiently support current growth ratesYes, if our turnover tripled tomorrow our systems and processes would not struggle to scale up to meet that demand.This field is required.Innovation and Continuous ImprovementAvailable values for Topic 8Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. How focused are you on innovation and improvement?*I know this is important but I don’t know where to startI have lots of ideas but struggle to execute on themI’m always looking to innovate wherever necessary in order to drive growth, increase efficiency and improve customer experienceI have established a culture of constant innovation and continuous improvement where I am not the only driving force - staff are empowered to share ideas, and are supported to develop the good onesThis field is required.Personal GrowthAvailable values for Topic 9Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. How do you feel about developing your own skills and mindset?*I’d love to invest in my own development but struggle to know where to startI try to fill knowledge gaps as and when I notice that I have themI’m committed to developing myself and try to be proactive but its very ad-hocI’m committed to developing myself and have a structured learning plan with future growth demands of the business and broader personal ambitions in mindThis field is required.Strong Strategic NetworkAvailable values for Topic 10Simply count the total number of values someone can possibly achieve. Include all questions from this topic into one score. How powerful is your network?*I’m not sure where to find the right tribeI network in the right places but am not maximising on the value of these connectionsI have strong working relationships within my network and we help to grow each others’ businessesSuper powerful! It supports my growth as well as challenging me, giving me fresh perspectives and providing clarity. Often my network leads to strategic partnerships for my business.This field is required.SegmentationHow long have you been running your business?*First 12 months1-5yrs5-15yrs15yrs +This field is required.How big is your team?*12-2525-5050+This field is required.What was your turnover in the last 12 months?*up to £50k£50k - £1m£1m-£5m£5m+This field is required.Briefly outline what your goals or ambitions are for the next 12 months*For example: -Double revenue, increase profit and free up time -Grow team, systemise and no longer work in the business This field is required.Final Details*One final step before we email you through your PDF report which includes: Your strategic leadership score Your key areas of improvement Personal suggestions to improve each key areaYour personalised report will be emailed to you along with relevant tips supporting your score. View our Privacy Policy * * This field is required.Identify the lowest topic numberDo not edit me. Showing the {N} lowest Key Areas of Improvement LOWEST(N) ~> LOWEST(2) HIGHEST(N) ~> HIGHEST(2) AND Check to is Total number of Highest / Lowest keys wanted to show on Appearance tab OR: use MIN / MAX and check to is Identify the lowest topic number on Appearance tab Topic 1 GapDo not edit me. Topic 2 GapDo not edit me.Topic 3 GapDo not edit me. Topic 4 GapDo not edit me.Topic 5 GapDo not edit me.Topic 6 GapDo not edit me.Topic 7 GapDo not edit me. Topic 8 GapDo not edit me. Topic 9 GapDo not edit me.Topic 10 GapDo not edit me.Topic 1 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me Topic 2 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me.Topic 3 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me Topic 4 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me.Topic 5 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me.Topic 6 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me.Topic 7 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me Topic 8 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me Topic 9 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me.Topic 10 Yes Most ImportantDo not edit me.General Feedback text for Overall score of 0-33%From your self-identified score, it appears you are struggling to provide the strategic leadership required to drive the growth in your business that will enable you to step back from the day to day and really achieve your freedom ambitions. The good news is there is plenty of room for improvement and it’s time to raise your game and step up.General Feedback text for Overall score of 34-66%From your self-identified score, it appears you are doing OK with providing the strategic leadership required to drive the growth in your business that will enable you to step back from the day to day and really achieve your freedom ambitions, but could still do with some improvement. Perhaps you know what you need to do but you need help getting there. Strategic leadership is a skill that can be developed, it’s time to raise your game and step up.General Feedback text for Overall score of 67-100%From your self-identified score, it appears you are doing really well in most areas with providing the strategic leadership needed to drive the growth in your business that will enable you to step back from the day to day and achieve your freedom ambitions. Well done. Let’s take it even further. Strategic leadership is a skill that can always be developed. It's time to raise your game and step up even more!Topic 1 Key Area of ImprovementClear and Robust PlanningTo successfully develop and grow your business so that you can step back from the day to day and achieve your long term ambitions you will need a clear and robust business plan. This should be designed as a living document that you refer to and update regularly to help keep you on track with developing all areas of the business. Doing this will be a major help in building the right team, achieving your revenue targets, improving profitability, managing finances for growth and increasing business value.Here are some steps to help you get started:Create a clear vision of your business when it is achieving what you want it to. Imagine your business in it’s ideal state. For example - you working “on” the business and focussing on growth every day whilst it still runs effectively on a day to day basis, making the profits you want and delivering services efficiently and effectively.Think about what turnover you will need, what your sales targets need to be, what kind of clients, how big a team in what roles and how you will deliver those products or services etc.How much progress can you make towards this vision by the end of the year? Break this down into objectives in the five core areas of your business (marketing, sales, operations, finance and talent) for the next 12 months.Use these objectives to work out what you will do by the end of a quarter and then this month’s actions.Revisit your plan regularly to review, edit and ensure execution.Topic 2 Key Area of ImprovementPredictable PipelineHaving a predictable pipeline means knowing how to find, reach and attract the customers you want in order to achieve your growth ambitions and being able to replicate that time and time again.Having a predictable pipeline is crucial if you want a business that delivers you your freedom ambitions as it enables you to scale and grow predictably.If you are confident in your marketing and you know that by investing in lead generation you can deliver predictable growth, then it allows you to confidently invest in building a business and its team to a sufficient size that it can successfully deliver the day to day running of the business without the need for your involvement. If your business is to be truly fit for freedom it’s essential you work to find the formulas for reliable lead generation.Follow these steps to help you get started:Look back at the clients you have attracted over the last 12 months - where have they come from? List the answers along with how many clients came from each one.Note how much time and money each of those different channels cost you to work out the ROI.Ask yourself - If you invested more in your most productive channels or the ones that return the best ROI, could you increase your client base and profitability?If you do not have the relevant data to be able to determine this, what do you need to be measuring to increase the predictability of your pipeline and grow the business in a predictable manner?Further steps:When did you last do market research?If you feel you’ve maximised the return from your current marketing channels or your current methods are not sufficiently effective to achieve your ambitions then, commissioning or undertaking further research into your target market could be a valuable exercise. When doing market research seek to identify potential new markets, get to know all segments better within your current target market and seek to better understand customer needs and the solutions they see you as providing in order to tailor your messaging.Once you have identified new markets, segments and/or channels where your target clients or customers are present, create a targeted campaign using relevant mediums and messaging, and test each to measure ROI as above.Once you find a campaign or approach that works, consider how you can scale and or automate it. Then start again until you have multiple reliable, predictable, automated and profitable sources of leads you can turn on and off as you wish.Developing your marketing assets and machine are essential to you achieving the freedom that you want, as this will give you the peace of mind that you have the formulas to scale.What will it take for you to transition into a true CEO role, where you are free to focus on the bigger picture and reap the rewards of all your efforts? Whether you outsource this or build your inhouse marketing team, finding the right team and skills will be key to your success in this area.Topic 3 Key Area of ImprovementMaximising SalesPredictable, replicable conversion of your prospects into sales is a key ingredient to building a business that is fit for freedom.There’s a difference between being good at the easy sales that fall your way and being strategic in your approach to sales across the board . Working proactively to increase the number of leads you convert to sales, their value and the amount of repeat or referral business you get will maximise the return from your current and future customer base.Here are some ideas to help you and your team think more proactively about this:Identify which clients you want more of (that are most profitable and are good to work with) and start focusing more of your sales efforts on them.Clarify your sales process and work on every element (especially the conversion process), testing and measuring to be clear on what works and what needs to be done differently to improve results.Gaining a client is the hardest and most costly part of selling so look at what else you can offer your customer base (if there are products or services that would compliment yours that you don’t sell, look for others you could partner with or who have affiliate sales schemes. Make sure you automate or schedule your upselling and cross selling activities.Invest in recruiting and developing your sales team (you, the admin staff or your marketing people may not be the best at sales. It is a skill area in its own right and should pay for itself and more!)Build referral partnerships with people or businesses that have access to significant numbers of your target market.What will it take for you to transition into a true CEO role, where you are free to focus on the bigger picture and reap the rewards of all your efforts? Do you need to think about bringing in a sales manager or sales director to allow you to focus on other aspects of growth? If sales is not a strength area for you this may be a step worth considering in the future if not now.Topic 4 Key Area of ImprovementHigh Performing TeamHaving a high performing team is absolutely essential for you to be able to transition into a true CEO role, where you are free to focus on the bigger picture and reap the rewards of all your efforts. So what are the steps you need to take to get closer to that being possible?Imagine if your business had to run without you for the next 12 months while continuing on it’s growth trajectory and maintaining a happy, high functioning team that continues to perform. How far is it from being able to do that? Where are the gaps?Here are some questions to ask yourself:Are your team engaged, motivated and aligned with driving the success of the business?Are they all clear on their roles and responsibilities for driving the business growth and maintaining the existing levels of service?Do you have other senior leaders who have ownership of the areas of strategy they are responsible for and are driving those forward?Do you have a structure of key decision makers other than yourself?Do your team have a clear training, growth and development plan that is keeping them fulfilled in their role and allowing them to grow?Have a think about where you have answered ‘no’ to the above questions or you do not feel you are hitting a 100% yes and work out what you need to work on to improve the situation.What steps should you take towards being that CEO who can step back from the day to day and fully rely on your team to ensure you are moving towards your growth ambitions and giving you the freedom you want to do what you want in your business and life?Topic 5 Key Area of ImprovementFinancial Leadership / ControlIn order to transition into a true CEO role, where you are free to focus on the bigger picture and reap the rewards of all your efforts, it's essential you develop your financial leadership and have good control of business finance.Business growth success relies upon your business finances being well controlled and used in the most strategic and effective manner. This means having a clear view and accurate understanding of your profit and loss, strong cash flow management and real clarity on your business costs and the returns and outcomes you are getting for those costs (ROI).Understanding your finances allows you to make investment decisions to drive growth with confidence - therefore it’s fundamental to successful strategic leadership.If you’re not confident with your financial control, a good place to start is by interrogating your profit and loss report and looking into any lines where you are not sure where the cost is coming from. Make sure you understand all the costs in your business and what return you are getting for them.Below are a few key things to think about:Think about your staff costs - how do they impact on the business revenue? Are you getting sufficient return on all your staff? If not, what do you need to do? Further training? Change of role? Or is it time to consider whether they are right for your business?Think about your marketing spend - How many leads is it generating you and how many sales does that lead to? (What’s the ROI?) Are you getting good value for this? What’s the benchmark for marketing spend as a proportion of revenue in your industry?Think about any systems you subscribe to or have bought - how much time are they saving you or how much value are they generating?When you feel like you have a handle on these things, it’s also really important that you can forecast the cash flow within your business in order to be able to manage your finances effectively as you spend on growth.Based on the above, what are the areas you need to improve? What steps should you take towards being that CEO who can know the health of the business from checking in on the numbers? Where can you be free to focus on other things knowing exactly where you are at and what financial moves you need to take towards growing the business?If you would like some assistance with how to do this check out our resource on cash flow forecasting and how to do it: 6 Key Area of ImprovementTime MaximisationOne of the main challenges we see many of our clients struggle with is dealing with day to day demands, juggling multiple priorities and having enough time to work “on” their business to improve it for the better.Being a true CEO and strategic leader takes place when you're not doing the day to day stuff and have time to think, so it is absolutely key it is a regular aspect of your role if you want your business to achieve its potential.Here are some suggestions to help you get the most out of your time:Learn to say “no” to free up some time.Taking time out for strategic thinking, to assess and plan will give you clarity on how you want to move forward and will help you focus your efforts on the things that will make the most difference.Prioritise by making tough proactive decisions about where to invest your time. Be disciplined and stay within your priorities. Making sure your team knows your priorities will help you to stick to them as they will hold you accountable. Tell your team what you should and shouldn’t be focusing your time on and give them licence to remind you.Break your procrastinating and time wasting habits and replace them with new positive ones. This is one of the hardest things to crack and there are countless books on the subject. We recommend 'Atomic Habits' by James Clear.Become aware of how you waste time or get distracted and find ways to stop it. This is one of the best ways to start on this journey. Begin by carrying a notebook with you and make a note whenever you waste time or get distracted. Write down what caused it to happen and what you were doing. You can then work on cutting out the causes of the temptations or distractions that you do on repeat.Improving your FOCUS - Follow One Course Until Successful. It comes down to knowing what you need to focus on through planning and minimising distractions. Get yourself in a productive environment when you need to do focus work. Outsource and delegate all activities that are not the best use of your time.Implement systems and processes that enable you and everyone in your business to operate as efficiently and productively as possible.Organise your diary into blocks of time.Ultimately for you to be in that CEO role in the future you have to step into it now and use all the above suggestions to ensure you are working on the right things to bring the change you want to see about.For more on this check out our guide on how to maxmise your time: 7 Key Area of ImprovementPlatform for GrowthIn order to transition into a true CEO role, where you are free to focus on the bigger picture and reap the rewards of all your efforts, it's essential you have the right platform for the growth you want.Having your business set up as a platform for growth means it is set up with growth and scale in mind. This means:Having mapped out all the processes within the business.Having those processes systematised as much as possible.Looking at what you do within the business now and asking yourself, If the business were to do double in terms of turnover tomorrow, is everything in place to be able to scale up and:-Meet that demand rapidly?-Train the new people I would have to bring on board?-Be able to deliver the highest quality product or service?If you’ve answered “no” to any of the above, one good way to start work on this process of “systematisation” is to ask yourself the following questions:If you were to sell your business model tomorrow as a ‘business in a box’ (like a franchise), how easily would your buyer be able to set it up and replicate your processes? Consider - is everything documented?Are the necessary training materials ready and in place?Do you have the systems, processes and collateral that support every element of the business process through Marketing, Sales, Operations Finance and Talent Management? If not, where do you need to create these?Consider your current business model and think about where the bottlenecks are. If you were to have twice the amount of leads come into the business tomorrow, where do you anticipate the biggest challenges to be in scaling up to convert, deliver and ensure you get paid by those leads?Asking these questions will highlight core areas to work on to ensure you have a platform for growth enabling you to transition into a true CEO role, where you are free to focus on the bigger picture and reap the rewards of all your efforts.Topic 8 Key Area of ImprovementInnovation and Continuous ImprovementA business that stands still is going backwards. If you and your team are not consistently considering where there might be opportunities for innovation and improvement then you are leaving yourself exposed to being caught and overtaken by the competition.In order to transition to that true CEO role where you are able to step out of the day to day and the business can still run successfully and continue to grow and develop without you then you need to be building a culture of innovation thinking into your team.If innovation is not something you prioritise then it is crucial to examine your mindset in relation to this. Innovation and technology will ultimately touch every industry and with that comes services that are faster, cheaper and better.Whatever stage of the business journey you’re at, in order for your business to survive and thrive you and your team need to be pushing the boundaries that can help your business to be the ones delivering better, faster, cheaper.To get you started we suggest asking yourself the following questions and getting your team to ask themselves the same:How might technology disrupt our industry?How can technology help us make our services or products faster? Cheaper? Better?Which area of our industry is likely to be impacted first or next?Who is already adopting technology to drive change in our industry? How can we align ourselves or our business with them? What can I learn from them that can feed into our own innovation?Then you need to also think about how you can encourage your team to engage with these questions consistently and take ownership of contributing to driving innovation throughout the business? Doing so will ensure innovation and continuous improvement become a way of life for the business and won’t rely on you having to be in the driving seat.It’s also important to recognise that innovation is not just about technology. Ultimately technology is an enabler, but doing things faster, cheaper and better is about thinking about what processes, systems and approaches you could tackle differently, whether that is with technology or not.Consider where you have been stuck with the status quo for some time and not ask yourself how you could be doing things differently and better. Put time aside to brainstorm with your team, perhaps consider surveying your customers to find out where they see room for improvement and change in your service.Topic 9 Key Area of ImprovementPersonal GrowthGreat leaders are passionate and committed learners. They are always seeking ways to improve themselves by sharpening their skills. They fully embrace the fact that leaders who are growing themselves lead growing businesses. Therefore, they see their own professional and personal development as a worthy investment and focus on their own learning as a strategic resource.Often though, this gets sidelined as people come to feel they are too busy. If this is you then this message is more relevant than ever. You won’t ever achieve the freedom from busyness you desire by doing more of the same, you need to be challenged and learn to think and do things differently and ongoing personal learning is crucial to this process.Also don’t underestimate the impact you’re ongoing learning can have on your team. A team that sees a boss who recognises that they still have plenty to learn and is actively pursuing that learning will be motivated and inspired to do the same themselves - which is only going to be of benefit to your wider business. Employees who are developing are more likely to take an active and effective role and drive things proactively themselves.So if you find yourself currently stuck “in” the business, and are wanting to transition into that true CEO role, but can’t see a way out, then committing time to your own personal learning and development is absolutely crucial. But where and how to start?The strategic leader doesn’t just wait for challenges to arise to determine their learning, but plans for their development with future needs in mind. Strategic leaders know that personal growth needs to be ongoing. So, for business growth success it's important to focus on developing the necessary competencies, behaviours and skills in areas you need to improve (be that through reading, training or coaching) and then apply that learning in your business.Below are some suggestions for how you can implement this kind of approach:Do a self analysis to identify any specific areas for development based on current and anticipated needs.Explore some good personal development books. We find there is more time to listen than read and recommend Audible and Blinkist as a good way of digesting concepts quickly and stretching your thoughts.Book on specific skills based training courses to upskill in key areas.Join a group programme with likeminded people who are looking to grow and will challenge you with new ideas and ways of thinking so that you are put in an environment where you are forced to make it happen. This could be either group coaching or masterminding (bear in mind these are different). If you would like to look at some examples of these then why not check out our Next Level Accelerator programme and Next Level Peer Circles programme.Find a coach for some one to one leadership and business coaching. This can help you leverage your leadership skills to maximise your performance to deliver specific personal, professional and organisational goals as well as get more out of your team. Choose wisely as there is no barrier for entry so anyone can say they are a coach! Find out more about our one to one coaching services here.Topic 10 Key Area of ImprovementStrong Strategic NetworkSuccessful business leaders have a strong strategic network, which may include strategically chosen partners or a support network of other CEO’s MD’s and Directors (people who could be counted as peers and understand strategic thinking and strong business leadership).Being part of a group of like minded individuals who are looking to grow challenges you with new ideas and thinking. Similarly surrounding yourself with people who have achieved the freedom goals you aspire to in your business or are seeking to can be a great source of inspiration and ideas as to how you can create that in your own business too.If you don't have a strong strategic network, it is worth considering what sort of organisations are out there that allow you to connect with other businesses and leaders. It could be in your sector or aligned sectors (which may help you find referral and collaboration partners) or in completely different sectors (which can help open your eyes to different perspectives, innovations and approaches). The important thing is that it is somewhere where you can garner new perspectives and ideas with a group of business leaders you respect.When you are building a network it’s important you are clear on your vision and strategy so that you can share this with others, giving them the best understanding of where you want to go and how you intend to get there so they can suggest, challenge, advise and guide you.There are two main avenues to build a strategic networking:Business networkingMastermindingBusiness networking can be a great way to build contacts and generate strategic partnerships. However, it can also be quite ad hoc or a drain on your time if you're not careful. You often don’t know who is going to turn up and it can be difficult to find a networking organisation that has the right members for your purposes and it can take some time to figure that out. It is essential you assess this regularly.Masterminding uses tried and tested facilitation methodologies to encourage highly effective conversations that develop relationships at a deeper level and ensure members are fully aware of your intentions so they can support you to overcome challenges, identify opportunities and create plans for growth. This can be the best environment to create strategic partnerships as long as there is a good mix of people in the group.How do you think you would most benefit from making connections and building a network?If you would like to build a network with really meaningful relationships with other like-minded business owners and leaders who really get to know and understand you and your business and its challenges and therefore can offer the most pertinent solutions and as a result an extremely powerful network then we offer a couple of groups you may want to consider.Find out more about our Next Level Peer Circles here. You can find out more about our Next Level Accelerator here.Call to Action 0-33%We invite you to sign up for a FREE series of resources providing inspiration, insight and guidance to support the development and growth of your business.The ‘Building Blocks for Growth’ series covers the key areas you need to develop in order to build an effective business that delivers on your ambitions.Sign up now to receive your first resource right away, get started on this programme and start putting the building blocks in place to enable you to achieve your personal and business ambitions.Call to Action 34-66%You've qualified for a FREE 1:1 Strategy Review Call to explore the results from your quiz further with a business strategy expert.On the call you can expect to discuss your areas of greatest challenge and what you need to do to improve.Next Level Accelerator WorkshopAlso, you are invited to book on the Next Level Accelerator Workshop.This is a half day workshop designed to help you step out of the day to day running of the business, dealing with customers and managing your team to focus on accelerating your business to the next level.Learn the proven, tried and tested business acceleration methodology we have used successfully with 1000's of Business Owners. This strategic leadership method has enabled our clients to drive up to 400% year on year growth in their businesses.It is a small interactive session so you will also get the chance to network and learn from each other.Click on the link below to find out more about this workshop and to reserve your space.We hope to see you there.Call to Action 67-100%You've qualified for a FREE 1:1 Strategy Review Call to explore the results from your quiz further with a business strategy expert.On the call you can expect to discuss your areas of greatest challenge and what you need to do to improve. Call to Action 67-100%You've qualified for a FREE 1:1 Strategy Review Call to explore the results from your quiz further with a business strategy expert.On the call you can expect to discuss your areas of greatest challenge and what you need to do to improve.Topic 1 Detailed Text for 0-33%dTopic 1 Detailed Text for 34-66%dTopic 1 Detailed Text for 67-100%dTopic 2 Detailed Text for 0-33%Topic 2 Detailed Text for 34-66%Topic 2 Detailed Text for 67-100%Topic 3 Detailed Text for 0-33%dTopic 3 Detailed Text for 34-66%dTopic 3 Detailed Text for 67-100%dTopic 4 Detailed Text for 0-33%Topic 4 Detailed Text for 34-66%Topic 4 Detailed Text for 67-100%Topic 5 Detailed Text for 0-33%Topic 5 Detailed Text for 34-66%Topic 5 Detailed Text for 67-100%Topic 6 Detailed Text for 0-33%Topic 6 Detailed Text for 34-66%Topic 6 Detailed Text for 67-100%Topic 7 Detailed Text for 0-33%dTopic 7 Detailed Text for 34-66%dTopic 7 Detailed Text for 67-100%dTopic 8 Detailed Text for 0-33%dTopic 8 Detailed Text for 34-66%dTopic 8 Detailed Text for 67-100%dTopic 9 Detailed Text for 0-33%Topic 9 Detailed Text for 34-66%Topic 9 Detailed Text for 67-100%Topic 10 Detailed Text for 0-33%Topic 10 Detailed Text for 34-66%Topic 10 Detailed Text for 67-100%Topic 1 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic. Topic 2 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic.Topic 3 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic. Topic 4 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic.Topic 5 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic.Topic 6 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic.Topic 7 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic. Topic 8 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic. Topic 9 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic.Topic 10 %Please only change (edit, add remove) the + part, with the XXX referring to each of the field IDs in the questions in this topic.Overall Total NumberAdd in ALL questions below. This will simply add up all questions and give a total number of points for all. Overall Current PercentageCreation note: Change "40" to the number of total points available in this quiz. E.g. Total of 6 questions is 4x6 = "24". Total of 8 questions is 4x8 = "32". etc All topics have 100% scored - MessageDont change Label Final score is LowDo not edit me. Final score is MediumDo not edit me. Final score is HighDo not edit me.